
Bible Study

The core of ABBC's Bible study ministry is Sunday School. Small group Bible study through Sunday School provides you and your family with a place to connect, belong, and develop as God guides you and uses you.
Preschool, children's and Preteens Bible study groups utilize the Bible Studies for Life curriculum series. Youth Bible study utilize an in-house curriculum. Adult Bible study groups utilize the Bible Studies for Life or Explore the Bible curriculum options. The focus of Bible Studies for Life is to relate the Bible to current life situations while Explore the Bible cycles participants through the entire Bible.
You and your family have a place in Sunday School.
Sunday School meets at 9:30 am each Sunday.
Classes are available for all ages.

Children's Ministry

Through a variety of Bible-based experiences, ABBC's Children’s Ministry seeks to provide preschoolers, children, and preteens with the foundation that will provide a meaningful, fully focused, and fully committed life. We do this through a regular weekly schedule and special events throughout the year.
Bible Study
Sunday at 9:30 AM. Age-graded classes involve children in age-appropriate Bible study. Storytelling, crafts, art, drama, and music enhance the children’s learning experience. 
Music & Missions
Wednesday, 6:00-7:15 PM. Children age 4 and up participate in age-graded choirs and missions groups (Children in Action). Both M&M venues help children learn about God's love and how to share that love with others. 
Special Events
Additional events are scheduled throughout the year. These may include Easter Egg Hunts, children’s Christmas ornament or shopping party, summer fun-days, Winter Bible Study, and other events scheduled for children or included in church-wide activities.
Check our children’s page often to learn what is happening in ABBC's Children’s Ministry.

Clothes closet

Clothes closet ministry began with an ambitious plan 'clothe all ages in the Alice Bell community while sharing Jesus' love.' This ministry had its first opening in January 2010 hoping for a reasonable turn out of community families. That first opening Alice Bell received about 250 people and gave away about 185 bags of clothing, numbers far above any expectation.  God has blessed the originally 'ambitious' plan with plenty of donations, willing workers and space to set up each opening. Don't be mistaken the ministry has reached out to many in need but, by far, those who work tirelessly to prepare for and staff the openings are greatly touched seeing God's hand at work.
Barbara Golec leads this ministry.
The next Clothes Closet will be November 2, 2024.


Prayer is the lifeline to living with Christ a wonderful experience, person to person with God, Himself. It is amazing that God does not just hear words when we pray. He hears us!
An unknown commentator once said,
"  God does not just answer prayer, He answers you. Personally! "
We invite you to share with us each Wednesday evening at 6:15 PM for a special time of prayer, followed by Bible study. This prayer time focuses on specific needs of the moment. Each participant is invited to share specific prayer needs as we pray. Church members can access ABBC’s prayer list through the link on this page. Updated weekly, this list helps us to support one another in this most important avenue of ministry.
God bless you as you and He communicate together!
Click Here for the ABBC Prayer list

road to Overcoming

This is support for those suffering from any type of addiction and those who love them. It is Biblically & Clinically based. This 12-week course meets in the choir room behind the sanctuary Sundays starting August4. Everyone is Welcome!
Contact Jeff or Karan Whittaker if you have questions.

truck stop ministry

The truck stop ministry began in October 2001, at the Petro truck stop at Watt Road in west Knoxville. Since that time, an average of almost 1 person per week has been saved. Currently this ministry is a cooperative effort of Knox, Loudon and Big Emory associations, using volunteers. 5 teams of volunteers lead services at the Truckers Chapel on Sundays at 11 AM and 7 PM.
Contact Bill Irving for more information,

Rural Ministries 

ABBC currently serves the children of the Appalachian rural area and the upper peninsula of Michigan. The majority of the children in both of the areas need the basic necessities for living. Each year the Rural Ministry supplies much needed clothing, school supplies and other needs as they are found out. Our annual coat drive for the children of the upper peninsula is one of our greatest ministers.
Our mission statement is simply to promote God’s Kingdon and spread His word seeing that some the needs of these underprivileged children are met. Jimmy Hodges leads this ministry.

Appalachian Ministries 

Appalachian Ministries encompass many missions opportunities, including direct participation on the Appalachian field and serving locally to collect supplies for the various ministries. A sampling of needs:
MIHOW (Marriage/Infant/Home Outreach Workers) is an agency that trains expectant mothers and young parents in nutrition and parenting. MIHOW needs clothing, vitamins, baby items, liquid Tylenol, etc. collected for use in the program. Contact Sherron Hutsell for more information.